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一、Based on psychologic study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 四、months. If it exceeds, you are already in love.心理研究表明,被某人秒杀的效果最多持续4个月。如果超过这个期限,那就真的坠入爱河了。

二、人生如旅途,我们一边再见,一边遇见。Life is like a journey, and good-bye is accompanied by meeting.

三、Love isn't that complex and Mr. Right is the one who can crack you up .爱情哪有那么复杂 能让你开开心心笑得最甜的那个人就是对的人

四、If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give. 如果某人已经累到对着你都笑不出来了。那么给他一个你的笑容吧。因为没有人比那些笑不出来的人更需要笑容。

五、All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. 生活的艺术在于:好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。

六、I never felt true love until I was with you, and I never felt true sadness until you left me.我从来没感受过什么是真正的爱情,直到遇见你。我从来不了解什么是真正的悲伤,直到失去你。

七、A bit better to oneself,because no one will take you when the world 对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界。

八、A girl will never accept the fact that she's beautiful. Not unless the right guy comes along & tells her she is. 女孩们永远不肯相信自己有多么美丽,直到那个对的人出现了,告诉她,她就是这样美丽。

九、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.我喜欢这样的时刻——我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

十、Live every moment, love every day, because before you know it, precious time slips away. 享受每一刻,珍爱每一天,因为时光总是在你意识到之前就已经悄无声息地流走了。

十一、 “这个冬天 没有惊喜 没有温度 没有关系”。This winter, no surprise, no temperature, no relationship.

十二、"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 每一分钟的愤怒,都会损失60秒钟的快乐。


一、Those who miss will end up missing, and those who meet again will meet again. 该错过的人终会错过,该重逢的人还会重逢。

二、明知我不是故事的主角,何必要把我写进故事里。It is fully aware that I am not the protagonist of the story,Why would you write me in the story.

三、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.在回忆里继续梦幻,不如在地狱里等待天堂。

四、One of the most amazing thing in the world is having someone who falls in love with you thought you never had a chance with.世界上最令人激动的一件事情是,你原本以为没有机会靠近的人,竟然爱上了你。

五、生活,最难的,无非八个字:顺其自然,随遇而安。 Life, the hardest part, is just eight words: let it be and let it be.

六、You got a dream, you gotta protect it. If you want something, go get it.-----如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它;如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。

七、I'm not even upset, hurt, or angry anymore. I'm just tired. I'm tired of putting in more effort than I receive.-----我并不失落,我也没有受伤,没有生气,我只是有点累了,我厌倦了付出太多,回报太少。

八、 顺其自然地生活吧,该发生的总会发生。 Let's just live and what happens will happen.

九、Open communication, trust, and honesty are the most important ingredients in a relationship。在一段感情中最重要的莫过于真诚,信任,直言不讳。

十、没有听清的歌声最动听,The song that is not heard is the most beautiful.没有看清的侧影最好看。The silhouette that is not seen is the best.

十一、You are my first. You are my last. ---在你之前不曾有,在你之后不再有。

十二、When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。


一、不要贪恋没有意义的人或事,拎着垃圾的手怎么腾得出来接礼物。Don't be greedy for meaningless people or things. How can the hands with garbage get out to receive gifts.

二、如果一个人真的想见你,他会动用各种方式,翻遍全世界找到你。 If someone really wants to see you, he will try everything possible and go through the world to get you.

三、They keep saying there is a perfect person for everyone out there but I seriously think that mine got hit by a truck. 他们总是说每个人都会有一个完美的ta,但是我真的觉得我的那个ta是不是被车撞了啊!

四、Sometimes you gotta accept the fact that certain things will NEVER go back to how they use to be.有时候你需要接受现实,有些事永远也回不去以前的样子了。

五、The best time to tell someone you love them is before someone else does.告诉一个人你爱ta的最佳时机是在别人还没告诉ta之前。

六、做个迷人的坏蛋,善良但没有喜感。Be a charming badass, kind but not happy.

七、If someone's too busy for me, I lose interest. 如果一个人对我太殷勤,我反而失去兴趣。

八、Some fish could not be kept in captivity. Because they belong to the sky. --有些鱼是永远关不住的,因为,它们属于天空。

九、it is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry,but you should not let others see your weakness. 你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。

十、love you not becauce of who you are ,but becauce of who I am when Iam with you. -----我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

十一、尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果。Hard as it is now, the experience may blossom and bear fruit in the futur—— 村上春树

十二、Everyone's just looking for a hand to hold. 每个人都只是在找一只可以牵的手。